I love the word “empower”. I like to feel that every time I facilitate a workshop or hold a storytelling session, that I’m in a position to empower kids, in a positive way.
Having imagination and knowing our own minds, what we like and don’t like, seeing that we are all different, but really the same.
And in this workshop about Upcycling, to teach kids that we really do have the power to change things.
Having imagination and knowing our own minds, what we like and don’t like, seeing that we are all different, but really the same.
And in this workshop about Upcycling, to teach kids that we really do have the power to change things.
I’ve been holding weekly workshops in Athy library this summer and I’ve been loving every one of them.
Last Friday, I had the chance to empower these children by teaching them the value of Upcycling. Which also turned into the importance of planting and the value of sharing with one another.
I wanted to teach them how, by taking small steps, by making our own decisions, that we can help the planet in whatever way we possibly can. The media floods us with images, frightening news stories and everything that can cause despair and anxiety about this earth right now. Plastic, climate change, pollution....but I wanted to show the kids what they CAN do to help the planet.
I was delighted to find this amazing book in the library:
Last Friday, I had the chance to empower these children by teaching them the value of Upcycling. Which also turned into the importance of planting and the value of sharing with one another.
I wanted to teach them how, by taking small steps, by making our own decisions, that we can help the planet in whatever way we possibly can. The media floods us with images, frightening news stories and everything that can cause despair and anxiety about this earth right now. Plastic, climate change, pollution....but I wanted to show the kids what they CAN do to help the planet.
I was delighted to find this amazing book in the library:
The name of the book doesn’t strike dread or fear, it’s a positive message. And it’s a pop-up, lift the flap book. It even has a little board game at the back that you can play to remind you of all the things you’ve learned.
So I started the workshop off with this and we continued to chat throughout the making process too.
In simple terms, when we create, we calm the part of our brain that lights up when we are under stress. So, chatting to children while they create is so relaxing. They let their guards down, share information, recall and remember what they’ve been taught or heard before.
We started off with the humble egg box....
In simple terms, when we create, we calm the part of our brain that lights up when we are under stress. So, chatting to children while they create is so relaxing. They let their guards down, share information, recall and remember what they’ve been taught or heard before.
We started off with the humble egg box....
And, with the help of reused coloured paper and stickers, they turned them into treasure chests....I don’t need to tell you how all of the creations blew my mind, yet again! Take a look for yourself:

The next thing we made involved the Upcycling of plastic bottles. I cut off the top and bottom of the bottles and, with the help of permanent markers and a scissors, we made wind spinners. They will decorate gardens all over Athy for the summer!
Our next part involved the bottoms of large bottles and milk cartons. We glued a lid on to be a nose, drew on eyes and a mouth and made plant pots.
We then added compost and seeds of rocket. This gave us the opportunity to chat about the benefits of growing plants. That not only do they look nice (and taste nice too), but they purify and clear our air, helping us breathe and keep our air fresh.
I think it’s highly important to teach children of the importance of trees and plants. Nature will be the savior of us in the future and we need to teach children how to benefit from this.
As a little treat, I filled the treasure boxes with some smarties for the kids to enjoy when they went home.
As a little treat, I filled the treasure boxes with some smarties for the kids to enjoy when they went home.
And hopefully, this will help them remember their day of learning about upcycling and helping our earth as a fun and happy experience.
As one thing usually leads to another in creativity, the egg carton craft gave me a great idea for making a magical storytelling treasure box! I will reveal all in an upcoming blog soon.....!
Go dtí sin, slán is beannacht....
As one thing usually leads to another in creativity, the egg carton craft gave me a great idea for making a magical storytelling treasure box! I will reveal all in an upcoming blog soon.....!
Go dtí sin, slán is beannacht....