So, you want to take your storytelling with kids to the next level?
Look no further, for here I have combined the magic of upcycling with storytelling. Two projects in one to try out with your children.
So you might remember in an earlier post, I shared an upcycling workshop that I had done with the kids in Athy Library? They transformed Egg Cartons into treasure boxes.
Well, here's another Egg carton upcycling project for you.
I present to you, a Storytelling Treasure Box!
Look no further, for here I have combined the magic of upcycling with storytelling. Two projects in one to try out with your children.
So you might remember in an earlier post, I shared an upcycling workshop that I had done with the kids in Athy Library? They transformed Egg Cartons into treasure boxes.
Well, here's another Egg carton upcycling project for you.
I present to you, a Storytelling Treasure Box!

What you'll need:
* An empty egg carton
* Glue: PVA or Gluestick
* Coloured Tissue/crepe Paper
* Markers/Coloured pencils
* Stickers
* An empty egg carton
* Glue: PVA or Gluestick
* Coloured Tissue/crepe Paper
* Markers/Coloured pencils
* Stickers

Once you've decorated your box, its time to add your prompts.
So let's take a look and see what I have in mine:
* Bottle of Fairy Dust
* Shell
* Finger Puppet (Alien/Monster)
* Large Wiggly Eye (Cyclops/Monster/All-seeing Eye)
* Jingle/Fairy Bell
* Magic Stars
* Storytelling Dice
So let's take a look and see what I have in mine:
* Bottle of Fairy Dust
* Shell
* Finger Puppet (Alien/Monster)
* Large Wiggly Eye (Cyclops/Monster/All-seeing Eye)
* Jingle/Fairy Bell
* Magic Stars
* Storytelling Dice
And now you're all set to start telling your stories! These items can be used to give you ideas for your story.
For instance, the shell can be a magic shell used to call a magical creature or mermaid.
The bell could be used to call the fairies, or Santa Claus.
Roll the dice to give you more ideas for where your adventure can take you. You can purchase a storytelling dice online or from a craft shop.
For older children, you can set them a challenge. To go away and come up with a story that uses all of the items, with a prize for any child who gets it right (they will probably all manage to use them, so if you're working with a big group, stickers are a fab and cheap reward for this!)
Keep adding more and more items to your box. Take nature walks for leaves, twigs or any other treasures.
The possibilities are endless! Just watch your child's imagination grow and flow.
And remember, the one rule in Storytelling is; there are no rules!
For instance, the shell can be a magic shell used to call a magical creature or mermaid.
The bell could be used to call the fairies, or Santa Claus.
Roll the dice to give you more ideas for where your adventure can take you. You can purchase a storytelling dice online or from a craft shop.
For older children, you can set them a challenge. To go away and come up with a story that uses all of the items, with a prize for any child who gets it right (they will probably all manage to use them, so if you're working with a big group, stickers are a fab and cheap reward for this!)
Keep adding more and more items to your box. Take nature walks for leaves, twigs or any other treasures.
The possibilities are endless! Just watch your child's imagination grow and flow.
And remember, the one rule in Storytelling is; there are no rules!
I will be posting more tips and ideas for Storytelling with your kids, so please keep an eye out for those.
I hope you have lots of Storytelling fun with your kids!
I hope you have lots of Storytelling fun with your kids!